Results for "B"


  • HistoneDB 2.0 – with variants

    This histone database can be used to explore the diversity of histone protein...variants in many organisms. The resource was established to better understand ho...a histone type to explore its variants. More at

    2957 days ago

  • methylKit

    ...ion analysis and annotation from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing. The designed to deal with sequencing data from RRBS and its variants, but also t...methyl-seq. In addition, methylKit can deal with base-pair resolution data for 5...

    2957 days ago

  • Blobology

    Tools for making blobplots or Taxon-Annotated-GC-Co...e the contents of genome assembly data sets as a QC step Bla...ab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburg...ository accompanies the paper:Blobology: exploring raw genome...equencing data). It contains bash/perl/R scripts for running...

    2947 days ago


    The Genome Assembly Evaluation Metrics and Reporting (GAEMR) package is...nalysis framework composed a number of integrated modules. Thes...generate specific charts and tables. GAEMR standardizes input...s -- how many pieces in an assembly composed of, how well those...

    2946 days ago

  • Blobsplorer

    Blobsplorer is a tool for interactive visualization of assembled DNA sequence data ("contigs") derived fr...contigs with a view to separating out those belonging to different taxa. on its own as it requires contig data to be supplied in a format that in...

    2946 days ago

  • LoRMA: a tool for correcting sequencing errors in long reads such those produced by Pacific Biosciences sequencing machines

    ...ool for correcting sequencing errors in long reads such those produced by Pacific Biosciences sequencing machines...d E. Ukkonen: Accurate selfcorrection of errors in long reads using de Bruijn graphs. Accepted to RECO...

    2230 days ago

  • CovCal: Coverage / Read Count Calculator

    ...on and genome size, then select what you want to calculate. Written by Stephen Turner, based on the Lander-Waterman fo...ploid genome size (bp), and N = Number of reads. Source code on GitHub.

    2230 days ago

  • CNIDARIA: fast, reference-free phylogenomic clustering

    Motivation: Identification of biological specimens is a major requirem...ta without relying on prior knowledge, but these do not scale to arbitrarily large genomes and arbitrarily large phylogenetic di...78% accuracy for species level. Availability and Implementation: Cnid...

    2943 days ago

  • Anvio

    ...per here: Anvi’o would not have been possible without the help of many pe...methods paper An analysis and visualization platform for 'omics data

    2943 days ago

  • clusterProfiler

    ...f functional profiles for genes and gene clustersBioconductor version: Release (...Yu <guangchuangyu at> with contributions from Li-Gen Wang and Gi...dquo;clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene cl...

    2943 days ago