Results for "IG"



    ABACAS is intended to rapidly contiguate (align, order, orientate) , visualize and design primers to close gaps on shotgun a...ence sequence. It uses MUMmer to find alignment positions and identify s...tigs and gaps in to account. MUMmer's alignment generating programs, Nuc...

    2696 days ago

  • BRIG

    BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/U...le at: If you have any questions or...m on one of the trackers on BRIG’s SourceForge automatically via a simple GUI. Contig boundaries and read coverage...

    2696 days ago

  • sockeye

    ...displayed in Sockeye by using custom 3D models. Ensembl-derived and imported sequences can be analyzed by using a suite of multiple and pair-wise alignment algorithms. The results...

    2695 days ago

  • J-Circos

    ...J-Circos) that is an interactive visualization tool that can plot Circos figures, as well as being able to dynamically add data to the figure, and providing information...

    2695 days ago

  • DAGchainer: Computing Chains of Syntenic Genes in Complete Genomes

    ...nates. Using a scoring function which accounts for the distance between neighboring genes on each DNA mole...ava-based graphical interface that allows the inputs and outputs to be navigated and interrogated dynamica...

    2695 days ago

  • Cgaln

    Cgaln (Coarse grained alignment) is a program designed to align a pair of whole computer. Cgaln performs an alignment job in two steps, at the...el. The former "coarse-grained" alignment can explore genomic rear...n into consideration while each alignable region is extended as lo...

    2690 days ago

  • bedtools

    ...ffle genomic intervals from multiple files in widely-used genomic file formats such as BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, VCF. While each individual tool is designed to do a relatively simple...

    2688 days ago

  • ConPADE: Genome Assembly Ploidy Estimation from Next-Generation Sequencing Data

    ConPADE (Contig Ploidy and Allele Dosage Estimation), a probabilis...method that estimates the ploidy of any given contig/scaffold based on its allele...sequencing coverage is available, or the true contig ploidy is low.  https:/...

    2688 days ago

  • BioDownloader

    BioDownloader is a program for downloading and/or updating files from ftp/http servers. The program has unique features that are specifically designed to deal with bioinformatics da...

    2687 days ago

  • FinisherSC: a repeat-aware and scalable tool for upgrading de novo assembly using long reads

    FinisherSC, a repeat-aware and scalable tool for upgrading de novo assembly using long reads. Experiments with real data suggest that FinisherSC can provide longer and higher quality contigs than existing tools while maintaining high concordance.

    2685 days ago