Results for "ALignment"



    ...eport, or executed individually to generate specific charts and tables. GAEMR standardizes input by converting a variety of read types to Binary Alignment Map (BAM) format, allowing a...

    2909 days ago

  • Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments

    ...y expensive, forcing researchers to use faster abundance estimation programs, which only classify small subsets of metagenomic data. Using exact alignment of k-mers, Kraken achieves cl...

    2896 days ago

  • Kaiju

    ...ficient implementation of the Burrows-Wheeler transform, which finds maximum exact matches (MEMs), optionally allowing mismatches in the protein alignment. The search can process up to...

    2896 days ago

  • Greengenes database

    The greengenes web application provides access to the 2011 version of the greengenes 16S rRNA gene sequence alignment for browsing, blasting, probing, and downloading. The data and too...

    2894 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools and software

    ...han BLAST. MUSCLE >Multiple sequence alignment. Faster and more accurate tha...enomes. QSCORE >Compare two multiple alignments for benchmarking. PALS...A benchmark collection >Selected multiple alignment benchmarks in a standardized...

    2888 days ago

  • Bambus

    ...parameters. In particular, Bambus is able to accept contig linking data other than specified by mate-pairs. Such sources of information include alignment to a reference genome (Bambus...

    2846 days ago

  • Comparative genomics educational material and papers bookmarks

    Alignment of the porcine genome against seven other mammalian genomes (Supplementary Information) identified homologous synteny blocks (HSBs). Using porcine HSBs and str...

    2761 days ago

  • Murasaki

    Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for whole Human x Mouse genome (with 40 nodes: 35 wall minutes), or 8 mammals in 21 CPU hours (42 w...

    2801 days ago

  • ART: Set of Simulation Tools

    ...or tools for next-generation sequencing data analysis, including read alignment, de novo assembly, SNP and st...icient in read simulation. ART outputs reads in the FASTQ format, and alignments in the ALN format. ART can a...

    2767 days ago

  • Maq: Mapping and Assembly with Quality

    ...ants and evaluate the results in one go: demo ref.fasta calib-30.dat where calib-30.dat is contained in maq-data. View the alignment: cd maqdemo/easyrun; maqind...

    2748 days ago