Results for "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms"


  • BioDBnet

    Database to Database Conversions db2db allows for conversions of identifiers from one databa...idely depending on the number of outputs and the options selected. Conversions to a single output...

    2934 days ago


    The Genome Assembly Evaluation Metrics and Reporting (GAEMR) packa...integrated modules. These modules can be executed as a single pro...types to Binary Alignment Map (BAM) format, allowing a single input...

    2922 days ago

  • NearHGT

    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the transfer of genetic material between organisms, is crucial for genetic innovatio...strains is challenging, as the phylogenetic signal is usually weak and the nucleotide co...

    2914 days ago

  • WgSim

    Reads simulator Wgsim is a small tool for simulating seque...genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms, and simulate reads with can be partly compensated by simulating INDEL polymorphisms.Wgsim outputs the simulated p...

    2913 days ago

  • Kaiju

    Kaiju is a program for the taxonomic classification of metagenomic high-throughput sequencing reads. Each read is di...protein database without taxonomic classification, using either protein or nucleotide qu...

    2909 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    Function WiseScaffolder is a stand-alone semi-automatic application for genome scaffolding of...scaffold_extender, which works with big, unambiguous contigs, or when they run out, single copy c...

    2893 days ago

  • MEGAN6

    Microbiome analysis using a single application MEGAN6 is a comprehensive toolbox for interact...pes of input Why use MEGAN6?  The software is: Easy to use. MEGAN6 is a single applic...

    2881 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and...uencing depth, read lengths and mixtures of paired and single-end...ide better results.To run discovery or genotyping on a single sequen...

    2838 days ago

  • Method in Comparative genomics !!

    We present methods for the automatic determination of genome correspondence. The algorithms enabled the automatic id...s for the identification of protein-coding genes based on their patterns of nucleotide co...

    2774 days ago

  • R-chie

    R-chie allows you to make arc diagrams of RNA secondary structures, allowing for easy com...for more customized figures and scripting.

    2843 days ago