Results for "de-novo%20assembly"



    Fermi is a de novo assembler with a particular focus on assembling Illumina short sequence reads from a mammal-sized genome. In addition to the role of a typical as...

    2838 days ago

  • valet

    VALET is a pipeline for performing de novo validation of metagenomic assemblies. VALET checks a number of properties that should hold true for a correct assembl...

    2825 days ago

  • ART: Set of Simulation Tools

    ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. ART simulates sequencing reads by mimicking real sequencing process with empirical er...

    2783 days ago


    Background. Next-generation sequencing technologies are now producing multiple times the genome size in total reads from a single experiment. This is enough information to re...

    2761 days ago

  • SGA: String Graph Assembler

    SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed represe...

    2748 days ago

  • Velvet tutorial

    The objective of this activity is to help you understand how to run Velvet in general, how to accurately estimate the insert size of a paired-end library through th...

    2747 days ago

  • CISA: Contig Integrator for Sequence Assembly

    A plethora of algorithmic assemblers have been proposed for the de novo assembly of genomes, however, no individual assembler guarantees the optimal assembly for diverse spec...

    2741 days ago

  • Understanding Greedy Algorithms

    Learning greedy algo for biologist. This webpage is also useful for the same:...

    2744 days ago

  • MyPro: A seamless pipeline for automated prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation

    MyPro is an improved genomics software pipeline for prokaryotic genomes. MyPro is user-friendly and requires minimal programming skills. High-quality prokaryotic genome assem...

    2741 days ago

  • e-RGA: enhanced Reference Guided Assembly of Complex Genomes

    Next Generation Sequencing has totally changed genomics: we are able to produce huge amounts of data at an incredibly low cost compared to Sanger sequencing. Despite this, so...

    2737 days ago