Results for "SEquence"


  • Samtools Primer !! is a popular open-source tool used in next-generation sequence analysis. This primer provide...uction to SAMtools, and is geared towards those new to next-generation sequence analysis. The primer is also...

    2901 days ago

  • WgSim

    Reads simulator Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. It is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphi...

    2901 days ago

  • A5-miseq

    _A5-miseq_ is a pipeline for assembling DNA sequence data generated on the Illumina sequencing platform. This README will take you through the steps necessary for running _A5-miseq_....

    2845 days ago

  • Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments

    Kraken is an ultrafast and highly accurate program for assigning taxonomic labels to metagenomic DNA sequences. Previous programs designed for this task have been relatively slow and c...

    2897 days ago

  • Greengenes database

    ...on provides access to the 2011 version of the greengenes 16S rRNA gene sequence alignment for browsing, blast...probes, interpreting microarray results, and aligning/annotating novel sequences. If you are an ARB user, you...

    2895 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools and software

    USEARCH >Extreme high-throughput sequence analysis. Orders of magnitude faster than BLAST. MUSCLE >Multiple sequence alignment. Faster and more ac...S and other marker genes. Highly accurate OTU sequences and improved diversity measu...

    2889 days ago

  • RepeatModeler

    ...RECON and RepeatScout ) which employ complementary computational methods for identifying repeat element boundaries and family relationships from sequence data. RepeatModeler assists i...

    2845 days ago

  • TGNet

    ...progress has greatly facilitated de novo genome sequencing. However, de novo assemblies consist in many pieces of contiguous sequence (contigs) arranged in thousan...

    2839 days ago

  • Gene Finding and Predictions

    ...GENESH, GenomeScan, GrailEXP and GENEWISE will be used to annotate the sequence. Both search by signal, content and homology (protein and cDNA sequences) methods will be employed in...

    2837 days ago

  • R-chie, allowing for easy comparison and overlap of two structures, rank and display basepairs in colour and to also visualize corresponding multiple sequence alignments and co-variation i...

    2831 days ago