Results for "de novo assembly"


  • Ribbon !!

    Visualization has played an extremely important role in the current genomic whole genome aligners such as MUMmer. Therefore, Ribbon can be used to test assembly algorithms or inspect the sim...

    2805 days ago

  • ART: Set of Simulation Tools

    .... ART can be used to test or benchmark a variety of method or tools for next-generation sequencing data analysis, including read alignment, de novo assembly, SNP and structure variation...

    2792 days ago

  • Maq: Mapping and Assembly with Quality

    Maq stands for Mapping and Assembly with Quality It builds assembly by mapping short reads to reference sequences. Maq is a project hosted by The project page is availab...

    2773 days ago


    ...ectly from the reads used in the experiment. Our approach applies de novo assembly software to experimental read...n closely related sequences RECORD outperforms more general assisted-assembly software. More at https...

    2770 days ago

  • HGA

    HGA tool version 1.0 This tool helps to apply the Hierarchical Genome Assembly (HGA) method. The tool will a...

    2766 days ago


    SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing. Download Git repository of SWALO is at

    2765 days ago

  • SGA: String Graph Assembler

    SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed re...

    2757 days ago

  • Standardized velvet assembly report

    Requirements: velvet (velveth velvetg should be in your PATH) R (with Sweave)...ces (leave out the .fa)

    2756 days ago

  • Velvet tutorial

    ...ough the use of Bowtie, the primary parameters of velvet, and the process involved in producing a de novo assembly from Illumina reads.

    2756 days ago

  • CISA: Contig Integrator for Sequence Assembly

    ...mic assemblers have been proposed for the de novo assembly of genomes, however, no individual assembler guarantees the optimal assembly for diverse species. Optimizi...formed in order to generate the most optimal assembly. However, few efforts have be...

    2750 days ago