Results for "sequence"



    DIAMOND is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches and functions as a drop-in...ein-protein search as well as DNA-protein search on short reads and longer sequences including contigs and assemb...

    2594 days ago

  • Mapping NGS

    NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes from, which gene it represen....To know that you have to align the sequences to the reference sequence. T...s used.In either way, aligning your sequence reads to the reference sequen...

    2588 days ago

  • Fastq format

    ...s a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding qualit...lcome Trust Sanger Institute to bundle a FASTA sequence and its quality data, but has...

    2588 days ago

  • Tetra-Nucleotide Analysis

    A tetra-nucleotide is a fragment of DNA sequence with 4 bases (e.g. AGTC or TTGG). Pride et al. (2003) showed that the frequency of tetra-nucleotides in bacterial genomes con...

    2587 days ago

  • CLA: Contig-Layout-Authenticator

    ...e contigs. The tool has been validated and compared favorably with other widely-used scaffolding and ordering tools using both simulated and real sequence datasets. CLA is a user frien...

    2586 days ago

  • Bacterial genome assembly !!

    ...example of how to use free and open-source genome assembly and secondary scaffolding tools to generate high quality assemblies of bacterial sequence data. The bacterial sample us...

    2586 days ago

  • A Post-assembly genome-improvement toolkit (PAGIT) to obtain annotated genomes from contigs

    ...e assembler in a draft genome, even when using the same data sets as used by the original assembler. iCORN, that enables errors in the consensus sequence to be corrected by iterativel...

    2578 days ago

  • CABOG: Celera Assembler with Best Overlap Graph

    ...p;Celera for the 2001 publication of the first draft human genome sequence. The software was released to...ions of letters long from the hundreds of letters per read that modern sequencers provide. What these program...

    2576 days ago

  • CAR: Reconstructing Contiguous Regions of an Ancestral Genome

    ...mammalian genome that accounts for 96.8% of the available human genome sequence data. The precision is furthe...grees with others. Although only a few mammalian genomes are currently sequenced to high precision, our theor...

    2573 days ago

  • Finishing !!

    ...nities and pitfalls in the finishing process. While genomes can now be sequenced to high redundancy in a AMOS-Hybrid v1.0 (142 MB tar.gz file).  Assembly and sequence-composition guided finishingC...

    2570 days ago