Results for "sequence analysis"



    Fermi is a de novo assembler with a particular focus on assembling Illumina short sequence reads from a mammal-sized genome. In addition to the role of a typical assembler, fermi also aim...

    2833 days ago

  • Sybil

    The Sybil software package provides a primarily web-based front-end to comparative gen...Park to support a number of research projects that involve comparative genome analysis. The following sections provi...

    2835 days ago

  • CGView - Circular Genome Viewer

    GView is a Java package used to display and navigate bacterial genomes. GView is useful for producing high-quality maps for use in publications and websites, or as a visualization tool in a sequence...

    2823 days ago

  • BLAST Ring Image Generator (BRIG)

    BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display show similarity between a central reference sequence and other sequences as concentric rings. BRIG w...nabling genomic regions present in unassembled sequence...

    2812 days ago


    DECIPHER is a software toolset that can be used to maintain, analyze, and decipher large amounts of DNA sequence...

    2812 days ago

  • Murasaki

    Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for whole Human x Mouse genome (wit...emory efficient. (Even a single node with 16GB of ram can handle over 1Gbp of sequence...

    2812 days ago


    The accurate description and annotation of structural variants can be complex.  This is due to the d...ant. A breakpoint is defined as a region or point where the sample sequence has altered from the reference sequence...

    2811 days ago

  • MIRO : miRNA omics

    The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of miRNA (or more generall sh...implementation MIRO is especially adapted for the analysis of reads generated with the I...

    2808 days ago


    ...e for genome assembly and for analysis of the biological diversity p...gies. Methods for classifying sequences as short as 100 base pairs ( taxonomically classify DNA sequences, can accurately classify rea...s distribution which combines analysis from both Phymm and BLAS...

    2802 days ago

  • Entrez Direct: E-utilities on the UNIX Command Line

    Entrez Direct (EDirect) is an advanced method for accessing the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases (publication, sequence...

    2793 days ago