Results for "ElasticBLAST"


  • Elastic BLAST !

    ...three reasons you should use ElasticBLAST: 1. ElasticBLAST can handle much LARGER queries!  ElasticBLAST can search query sets that you could with BLAST+. 3. ElasticBLAST is EASY to run on the cloud...when the searches are done. ElasticBLAST also selects the in...

    636 days ago


  • Elastic BLAST !

    ElasticBLAST is a new way to BLAST large numbers of queries, faster and on the cloud. Here are the top three reasons you should use ElasticBLAST: 1. ElasticBLAST can handle much LARGER queries!  ElasticBLAST can search query sets that have hundreds to millions of sequen...

    Tags: ElasticBLAST, BLAST, Run, Alignment, Cloud

    636 days ago