Results for "collinear"


  • Mugsy: multiple whole genome alignment tool

    Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. Mugsy uses Nucmer for pairwise alignment, a custom graph based segmentation procedure for identifying collinear regions, and the segment-based...

    2391 days ago

  • AnchorWave (Anchored Wavefront Alignment) identifies collinear regions via conserved anchors...have been implemented currently) and breaks collinear regions into shorter fragment...generates a whole-genome alignment for each collinear block. AnchorWave implements...

    854 days ago


  • AnchorWave

    AnchorWave (Anchored Wavefront Alignment) identifies collinear regions via conserved anchors (full-length CDS and full-length exon have been implemented currently) and breaks collinear regions into shorter fragments, i.e., anchor and inter-anchor intervals. By performing sensitive sequence alignm...

    Tags: AnchorWave, Anchored, Wavefront, Alignment, collinear, regions, conserved, anchors, CDS, exon, currently, breaks, collinear, regions, fragments, anchor, inter-anchor, intervals

    854 days ago