Results for "reads"


  • Bioinformatics approach to Boar Taint to Norwegian Landrace (NL) and Duroc (D) pigs with varied boar taint levels were done in Illumina HiSeq2000 to >10X average coverage. Short reads generated from these samples...

    3821 days ago

  • Download blasr 1.3 version

    ...r I'm running "OPERA-LG_v2.0.5/bin/" and have the following er...:18:35 2018] Finding the SA coordinates of the reads using BWA aln...[Thu Jun 14 1...arySam > FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bamMapping long-reads using blasr.../home/urbe/Tool...

    2183 days ago

  • Evaluation of genome assembly software based on long reads

    ..., Newbler , SGA Assembler, Smartdenovo, Abruijn, Ra, DBG2OLC, Spades and Cerulean. The first 8 software use only long reads, while the 3 last software can merge long and short reads

    1952 days ago

  • Spades tutorial PDF

    ...uencing. With time, the functionality of SPAdes was extended to enable assembly of IonTorrent data, as well as hybrid assembly from short and long reads (PacBio and Oxford Nanopore)....

    856 days ago