NVIDIA and the Arc Institute have introduced Evo 2, a groundbreaking AI model designed to understand, predict, and generate DNA sequences. This marks a major advancement in computational biology, offering scientists an unprecedented tool to decode...
SLiM and msprime are valuable tools for genome simulation, each serving distinct but complementary purposes in population genetics research. By leveraging the strengths of both simulators with slendr, researchers can conduct robust and efficient...
If you are a bioinformatician, chances are you have spent hours running long, complex analyses on remote servers only to lose your session because of an unstable connection. Frustrating, isnt it? Fear not! With tools like screen, tmux, and mosh,...
The future of bioinformatics is boundless, with opportunities to revolutionize our understanding of life and improve human health. As technologies evolve and collaborations flourish, bioinformatics will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of...
NGS quality control and trimming are essential steps to ensure reliable and accurate data for analysis. While the "ifs" highlight the clear benefits of these steps, the "buts" remind us of the potential pitfalls. By adopting best practices and...
Bioinformatics is a rapidly growing field at the intersection of biology, computer science, and data analytics, with applications in healthcare, genomics, drug discovery, and more. As demand increases for skilled professionals who can manage,...
TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence...
1. Ktrim: An extra-fast, accurate adapter trimmer for sequencing data. It processes FASTQ files from multiple lanes with minimal mismatching and over-trimming of adapters.2. BWA MEM: A reliable alignment tool (particularly for mapping ALT contigs...
There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some widely used genome assembly tools as of my last update in September 2021:
SPAdes: An assembler specifically designed for...
Geospatial data is becoming increasingly important in many fields, including urban planning, environmental science, public health, and more. These tools can help you work with data from a variety of sources, including satellite imagery, GPS data,...
Types of SSRs (simple sequence repeats), SSRs are short DNA sequences consisting of a tandem repeat of a few nucleotides, typically 2-6 nucleotides in length. There are different types of SSRs based on the length and pattern of the repeated...
forgemia.inra.fr - Tool for graphical vizualisation of annotated genetic regions, and homologous regions comparison. It is an independent recoding of Easyfig 2 initially developped by at the S. Beatson Lab [https://mjsull.github.io/Easyfig/]
Download the GenoFig...
ikim-essen.github.io - UnCoVar: Workflow for Transparent and Robust Virus Variant Calling, Genome Reconstruction and Lineage Assignment
Using state of the art tools, easily extended for other viruses
Tool and database updates for critical components via...
online.stat.psu.edu - Welcome to the course notes for STAT 414: Introduction to Probability Theory. These notes are designed and developed by Penn State's Department of Statistics and offered as open educational resources. These notes are free to use under...
ngdc.cncb.ac.cn - The Protist 10,000 Genomes (P10K) Project aims to decipher the genome sequences and construct a comprehensive database resource containing over 10,000 species of protists, encompassing representatives from every major clade. Samples were collected...
NVIDIA and the Arc Institute have introduced Evo 2, a groundbreaking AI model designed to understand, predict, and generate DNA sequences. This marks a major advancement in computational biology, offering scientists an unprecedented tool to decode...
SLiM and msprime are valuable tools for genome simulation, each serving distinct but complementary purposes in population genetics research. By leveraging the strengths of both simulators with slendr, researchers can conduct robust and efficient...
If you are a bioinformatician, chances are you have spent hours running long, complex analyses on remote servers only to lose your session because of an unstable connection. Frustrating, isnt it? Fear not! With tools like screen, tmux, and mosh,...
The future of bioinformatics is boundless, with opportunities to revolutionize our understanding of life and improve human health. As technologies evolve and collaborations flourish, bioinformatics will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of...