Results for "pe"


  • Bioinformatician become producer/director !!!

    ...Sequence aapke pass hai. BLAST To Hona Hi Tha !! Meri Gene Tumhare Paas Hai Aao Database Search Kare Bioinformatician No.1 Mera Naam Tool Developer Hum Apke Genome Mein Rehte...

    3970 days ago

  • Perl Poem: Parse it in both Perl and English!

    ...dowed by that of the reigning Perl Poet, Sharon Hopkins. She has written quite a few Perl poems, as well as a paper Computer Poetry Meets the Perl Programming Language". (The...length(of-days) # listen (a perl poem)# Sharon Hopkins# rev....

    3970 days ago

  • Bioinformatician special skills !!

    ...less /((?:(?!\\$).)*)/; $line =~ /^(.+)(e|r)(.*)$/; /"(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+"/; /^[+-]?\ *(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?$/; perl -ne 'BEGIN{$/=">"}if(/^s*(S+)/){open(F,">$1")||warn"$1 write f...

    3947 days ago

  • Chemical Elements of Bioinformatics

    You must be familiar with periodic table and colour pattern, but this time you are going to amaze by new elements table by Eagle genomics. Just check it out and have fun :)

    3925 days ago

  • What a bioinformatician always dream for ???

    ...ercial softwares. Complete, and fully assembled genome of the girl :P A girl/boy with lesser E-values and higher compatibility score. Horoscope Match should be significant (...

    3896 days ago

  • BioGeek Fun

    ...nna to be a real biogeek. Nice try though. Smart kid.   2. In some perl script I found this  ..... . . . . .. . . . . .}   3. One more interesting message in Perl found …. It will mus...

    3753 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Jokes !!

    ...say when he found out his team stopped using version control? A: Y...; Why was the bioinformatician's paper was rejected? A: Journal th...Because bioinformatician calmly whisper, “SSH”  ...hy did bioinformatician prefer awk, PerlOneliner? A: Because even c...

    3232 days ago