Results for "Computational Genomics"


  • Bioinformatician special skills !!

    Bioinformatician and Computational biologist are the only programmers on Earth who can explain multiplication and division are the same. Pretty codes for them ... /(...

    3935 days ago

  • What a bioinformatician always dream for ???

    Well established bioinformatics labs with SGI(silicon graphics interface) License of al...t less that 18). Laptops with broadband connections. Licence to almost all genomics and proteomics servers. All...

    3884 days ago

  • Chemical Elements of Bioinformatics

    You must be familiar with periodic table and colour pattern, but this time you are going to amaze by new elements table by Eagle genomics. Just check it out and have fun :)

    3913 days ago

  • The Best Bioinformatics / Computational Biology Quotes

    Bioinformatician are not anti-social; We are just genome friendly. Bioinformatician would love to change the the BioGeek, for all you know they might be the next curator! Beware of computat...

    3759 days ago

  • BioGeek Fun

    1. A futuristic computational biology student was told to write "It is in my gene!!!" on the board 100 times as a punishment. here's his response -use warnings;for ($cou...

    3740 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Jokes !!

    Why was the Bioinformatics fired from his job? A: He was getting too Sassy.   What d...A: Y’all better Git!   Why did the computational biologist stay home from work...others? A: They’re too MEAN.   Why computat...

    3219 days ago