Results for "Happy independence day"


  • Bioinformatician become producer/director !!!

    If a Bioinformatician starts producing Hindi Bollywood movies, names will be like Karega  Genbank Ke Us Paar Proteomics Koi Khel Nahi Jish Desh Mein Day Hoff Rehta Hai PDB Ek Numbar...

    3961 days ago

  • Bioinformatician on Valentine's Day

    Once asked to a bioinformatician "How is ur Valentine's Day?" Bioinformatician replied: if ($date == "Valentine's Day" && $me =! Bioinformatician) { rose_day(); promise_day(); kiss_day(); } else { hack_genome(); ko-fi(); youtube(); do_scripting(); sleep(); )

    1218 days ago