
  • Selecting between Python 2 and Python 3?

    Which version is best for bioinformatician to work on?

    Tags: Python versions, Python2, Python3, Bioinformatics

    4003 days ago

  • Python vs Perl

    Why bioinformatician still using Perl when Python is easy to code, good in ReXp and faster than perl?

    Tags: Programming, Bioinformatics

    4002 days ago

  • What are the difference between BioRuby and BioGem?

    I came across two diferent but matching term BioRuby and BioGem. What are the difference between these two term? If both are using same Ruby language for development then why did they develope two different biological packages.

    Tags: BioRuby, BioGem, Ruby, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Programming

    3966 days ago

  • What is the objective of BINC examination?

    I personally did not understand the objective behind BINC examination. Is government only try to show off that they are doing something to promote Indian bioinformatics sector? Moreover, It looks like BINC indirectly putting an extra burden to bioinformatician, mentally and financially.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, BINC, India, DBT, Objective.

    3970 days ago