Results for "PA"


  • Genomic Impact

    The ongoing genomic research in USA contributed $31 billion to the U.S. gross national product and helped support 152,000 jobs.  Reference:

    3980 days ago

  • useR!

    ...a platform for developers of statistical software. Recently useR! conference have been organized University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain.

    3979 days ago

  • Python Education Material

    Google provide free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python. The google python class includes written materials, lecture...

    3979 days ago

  • PhylomeDB

    ...y of genes through the visualization of phylogenetic trees and multiple sequence alignments. Moreover, phylomeDB provides genome-wide orthology and paralogy predictions which are b...

    3946 days ago

  • InterpretOmics

    InterpretOmics, a big data analytics startup that focuses on life sciences, has received angel funding of around Rs 10 crore from a group of investors including Singapore's information technology and shipping company, Amarante.

    3947 days ago

  • Lateral Gene Transfer Is Enriched in Cancer Samples

    There has been always a confusion on cancer and bacteria relationship. This is the first paper which shows lateral gene transfer causes cancer.  Find more at

    3968 days ago

  • R package for visualising GO enrichment

    An R package that visualizes the GO enrichment results as word clouds and arranges them together with figures of experimental data. This allows us to draw informative s...

    3967 days ago

  • Prime Minister’s 100k Genome Project

    Genomics Ebgland is destined to sequence 100,000 patients over the next five year in England.  A landmark project by british government. Genomics England will play a key role...

    3950 days ago

  • Chromatin: From nucleosomes to chromosomes, 30 April - 2 May 2014

    ...he latest developments in understanding chromatin structure and function, particularly gene expression and...bre interactions to explore outstanding questions in the field and enable participants to identify new res...

    3953 days ago

  • 2.4 Mb Genome Size for World's Biggest Virus

    The genome size of new discovered Pandoraviruses have roughly twice the size of the record-holding Megavirus genomic code. Interestingly only 6 percent of its genes resembled the ge...

    3950 days ago