Results for "Science and Movies"


  • Petrol from Ecoli

    "In recently published paper (entitled "Microbial Production of Sho...of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) reported,...lular fatty acid metabolites, and introduced a novel synthetic...

    3922 days ago

  • UK Genome Science Meeting, sept 2nd-4th, 2013

    Following the success of the last three years' UK Next Gen Sequencing meetings at Nottingham, the newly named UK Genome Science meeting aims to bring together experts from around the world to meet and discuss the current and fu...

    3971 days ago

  • Prime Minister’s 100k Genome Project

    Genomics Ebgland is destined to sequence 100,000...over the next five year in England.  A landmark project by...itish government. Genomics England will play a key role in build...ack record as leader in medical science advances to push the boun...for better tests, better drugs and ab...

    3975 days ago

  • Vaccination can be dangerous sometimes !!!

    It is always believed that vaccination is permanent cure from speci...pen a new area of discussion, and may give some vaccine developers...esearch recently published in Science Translational Medicine jo...antibodies that bound the cap and the stem of that virus’...-pigs-1.13621#/b1 http://stm.scienc...

    3946 days ago

  • 320000 viruses in mammals yet to sequenced in future!!!

    With current biological technique improvements, finally it is now possible...of unknown viruses at genomic level and understand the mechanism. According to HIV/AIDS, West Nile, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, are zoonoses - inf...53268.cms

    3948 days ago

  • Zombies like bacteria!!!

    Do you believe in Zombies stories … Hmm confused? Don’t worry there is a the same amount of soil at Earth's surface." Reference:

    3948 days ago

  • Fourth Branch of Life

    Scientist have found the biggest viruses known, pandoraviruses which opened up new questions questions and raise objections to in science. It even suggesting a fou...nomic ranking between species and family. Find  more at @...130718-viruses-pandoraviruses-scienc...

    3942 days ago

  • New Vaccine Clears AIDS-Causing Virus in Monkeys

    A newly developed vaccine has the ability to completely kill simian...ntists at Oregon Health & Science University’s Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute. The...of the population. Dr Picker and his colleagues discovered tha...immune surveillance elicited and maintained by cytomegalovirus...

    3935 days ago

  • Tigers genome sequenced

    Fifteen scientists led by Dr Jong Bhak of Genome Research Foundation, South...ions of the tiger.  The biggest and perhaps most fearsome of the...percent of its DNA with humans' cute and furry companions, domestic ca.... Reference:

    3934 days ago

  • Role of microbes in forensic science

    "Studies on decomposing mice suggest that the microbial content of a corpse can offer clues as to how old a body is and the approximate time that dea...99-may-help-determine-time Paper: http://www.elifescienc...

    3923 days ago