Results for "pe"


  • Bio-Rad Acquires GnuBIO

    3725 days ago

  • Genome of Rainbow Trout Sequenced

    ...stage in the process and many duplicated genes are still present,” said Dr Gary Thorgaard of Washington State University, a co-author of the paper published in the journal Nat...

    3719 days ago

  • Tsetse Fly Genome sequenced

    ...e team used several sequencing approaches to tackle the tsetse fly's 366 million base genome. The current study, and companion articles slated to appear in PLOS One, PLOS...

    3719 days ago

  • Deadly Human Pathogen Cryptococcus Sequenced

    ...age of Cryptococcus neoformans, a strain called H99. The results, which appear in PLOS Genetics, laboratory handling of H99 that make it more susceptible to stress, hamper its ability to sexually repr...

    3719 days ago

  • “On” and “Off” the neuron !!!

    ...squo;Remember’ Things That Didn’t Happen” and “An On-Off...and neuroscientist at Stanford University who helped develop optogenetics as a re...allows neuroscientists to apply a brake in any specific circuit with millisecond...

    3719 days ago

  • Your stress/depression came from ancestor

    ...;Nature Neuroscience finds that stress in early life alters the production of small RNAs, called microRNAs, in the sperm of mice. The mice show depressive behaviours that persist in their progeny." Sour...

    3710 days ago

  • UK executive accused in GlaxoSmithKline China probe

    Mark Reilly and two other colleagues are also suspected of bribing government officials in Beijing and said. GSK said it took the allegations "very seriously" and would co-operate with the authorities over...

    3701 days ago

  • GenXPro GmbH

    GenXPro GMbH is service provider for entire spectrum of nucleotide-based information of any biological sample. By combining intelligent data reduction techniques and ...

    3692 days ago

  • Scientists map 17,294 proteins produced in human body

    ...proteome. But recently two groups present mass spectrometry-based analysis of hu...along with their American counterparts, have mapped more than 17,000 proteins ). Of the 72 people who worked on the project...

    3686 days ago

  • Drawback of Exome Sequencing

    ...G genes. "At least one gene in each exome method was missing more than 40 percent of disease-causing genetic variants, and we found that the worst-performing method missed more th...

    3682 days ago