Results for "TE"


  • Genomic Impact

    The ongoing genomic research in USA contributed $31 billion to the U.S. gross national product and helped support 152,000 jobs.  Reference:

    3982 days ago

  • useR!

    ...DSC - a platform for developers of statistical software. Recently useR! conference have been organized University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain. http://www.edii.uclm...

    3982 days ago

  • Python Education Material

    Google provide free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python. The google python class includes written materials, lecture videos, and lots...

    3982 days ago

  • Bioinformatics: Introduction to PERL

    ...roduction to programming using Perl. By the end of this course, attendees should be able to write simple Perl programs and to u...thers. The course will be taught using the online Learning Perl materials created by Sofia Robb of...

    3981 days ago

  • PhylomeDB

    ...meDB is a public database for complete collections of gene phyl...sp;(phylomes). It allows users to interactively explore the evolutio...f the phylogenetic trees. The automated pipeline used to reconstruct...ent trimming and evolutionary model testing. PhylomeDB includes also...

    3949 days ago

  • Try R Online

    One of the best R tutorial website, which provide an online interative interface to try and learn R language without any hassle. Link @

    3976 days ago

  • 700,000 year old horse!!!

    ... , Centre for GeoGenetics have beaten sequencing of the ancient DN...out 10 times. In collaboration with Danish and international colleagues , they ha.../20131123/oldest-dna-sequenced-done-breakthrough-technology.htm http://geogeneti...

    3842 days ago

  • InterpretOmics

    InterpretOmics, a big data analytics startup that focuses on life sciences, has received angel funding of around Rs 10 crore from a group of investors including Singapore's information technology and shipping company, Amarante.

    3950 days ago

  • Lateral Gene Transfer Is Enriched in Cancer Samples

    There has been always a confusion on cancer and bacteria relationship. This is the first paper which shows lateral gene transfer causes cancer.  Find more at

    3970 days ago

  • R package for visualising GO enrichment

    ...hem together with figures of experimental data. This allows us to draw informative summary plots for analyses such as differential expression or clustering, where for each gene list...

    3970 days ago