Results for "samtool"

Wire posts

  • #BAM file to fasta #conversion with #Samtool: samtools view filename.bam | \ awk '{OFS="\t"; print ">"$1"\n"$10}' - > filename.fasta

    3104 days ago

  • #BAM file to #fastaq #conversion with #Samtool: samtools view filename.bam | awk '{OFS="\t"; print "@"$1"\n"$10"\n+\n"$11}' >| filename.fastq

    3104 days ago


  • Samtools commands for bioinformatician !

    ...sam # -o : output file name samtools view -b -S -o sal_sej.bam sa...# -f INT show flag matches samtools -f 4 sal_sej.bam | less #...# always index sorted files samtools index sal_sej_sorted.bam.bam...### results into txt file samtools depth /path/to/

    1741 days ago
