Results for "tools"


  • deepTools

    deepTools addresses the challenge of handling the large amounts of data that are now routinely generated from DNA sequencing centers. To do so, deepTools contains useful modules to process the mapped reads data to create coverage files in standard bedGraph and bigWig file formats. By doing so, de...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, NGS, deepTools, Genome, RNA-Seq, Visualization, Tools

    3500 days ago

  • ENCODE3: A collection of research articles and related content describing the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements, its datasets and tools.

    How cells, tissues and organisms interpret the information encoded in the genome has vital implications for our understanding of development, health and disease. Launched in 2003, the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has the aim of mapping the functional elements in the human genome ...

    Tags: ENCODE3, collection, research, articles, Encyclopedia, DNA, Elements, datasets, tools

    1401 days ago