Results for "Program"


  • MOPGA 2024 Visiting Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers

    France, as a major player in the fight against climate change and guarantor of the spirit of the Paris Agreement, is launching a new MOPGA visiting fellowship program geared towards strengthening scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs. This seventh Make Our Plane...

    Tags: MOPGA, 2024, Visiting, Fellowship, Program, Early, Career, Researchers

    212 days ago

  • Charpak exchange program

    The scholarship is designed for Indian students from all fields and streams of study, enrolled in an Indian institution at the Bachelors or Master’s degree level, who wish to undertake a study exchange semester programme in France (for a period of one to six months). BENEFITS The Charpak exc...

    Tags: Charpak, France, Exchange, Program

    212 days ago