Results for "DNA test"


  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 3

    ...ation of MySQL client chorny/test-warn - Perl extension to test methods for warnings cho45/L...Perl SFTP client russoz/perltests - Small scripts to and installation for CPAN Testers andrewrjones/perl5-App-MP...uilder - Auto-builds and tests all the branches of your git...

    2534 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 4

    ...mojombo/gollum-demo - Gollum test repo mikecardwell/gpgit&nbs...llectiveintel/cif-v1 - the fastest way to consume threat intelli...ate - Tool to translate the latest mobile detect script into var...ct/lcov - LCOV gamelinux/echidna - Network Security Monito...

    2534 days ago