Results for "Stochastic Processes"

Top-level pages

  • Ligand Docking Tools and Software !

    Ligand docking referred to cases where small molecule (“ligand”)...lar docking tools.  AutoDock Stochastic (GA) Flexible ligand and par...SF (empirical)Commercial FLIPDock Stochastic (GA)Flexible ligand and flexi...targetICM SF (empirical) ParDOCK Stochasti...

    2244 days ago

  • Parallel Processing with Perl !

    Here is a small tutorial on how to make best u...share variables among the different processes. I will show you how to do it...Now, if you have generated 8 child processes and want to write the data to...t file) and thus you have created 8 processes at one time which run without...

    2122 days ago