Results for "historic DNA"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Bourque Lab

    The goal of the lab is to understand mammalian genomes using comparative genomic and ep...cer. As a computational genomicists our work involves examining billions of DNA base pairs and interpreting h...

    1981 days ago

  • Genome Informatics Section Lab !

    Our section develops and applies computational methods for the analysis of massive geno...bute to the development of new reference genomes and computational methods for DNA sequencing and analysis. Both...

    1606 days ago

  • Gamper Lab

    Lab focuses on examining the mechanisms governing the signalling pathways from DNA damage sensing to the activat...

    1180 days ago

  • The Lysak Lab

    We investigate genome evolution across the plant kingdom at different levels of complexity:   •DNA sequences (NGS-based genome a...

    1259 days ago