Results for "Biological Control of Plant Diseases"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Chekulaevalab

    Focusing on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate mRNA translation, localiza...regulate expression of more than a half of eukaryotic genes, thus, affecting multiple biologic...

    3078 days ago

  • Hoffman Lab

    They develop machine learning techniques to better understand chromatin biology. These models and algorithms transform high-dimensional functional genomics data into interpretable patterns and lead to new biological insight.

    3078 days ago

  • Navin Lab

    NAvin laboratory has pioneered the development of single cell sequencing technologies. They apply these tools to study complex biologic...

    2951 days ago

  • The Kingsley Lab

    The Molecular Basis of Vertebrate Evolution. Naturally occurring species show spectacular d...of genetic and genomic approaches to identify the detailed molecular mechanisms that control...

    2935 days ago

  • Prof. Chandrasekhar Kanduri Laboratory

    Our lab has been interested in understanding how long noncoding RNAs control tumor initiation...

    2914 days ago

  • Salzberg lab

    We are a computational biology lab that develops novel methods for a...e methods to current problems arising in a broad spectrum of biolo...matical methods that can turn massive genomic data sets into biologic...

    2589 days ago

  • ShendureLab

    The mission of our lab is to develop and apply new technologies and methods for genetics, g...which is effectively emerging as a broadly enabling microscope for the measurement of biologic...

    2362 days ago

  • Simpson Lab

    We are the Statistical Bioinformatics group in the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Comput...the University of Edinburgh. The group is led by Dr. Ian Simpson who is a Lecturer in Biologic...

    2294 days ago

  • Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Ramming

    In many autoimmune diseases, a misdirected immune response leads to chroni...c options are available for inflammatory joint diseases, but only about 40% of patien...lable for the treatment of fibrotic autoimmune diseases such as systemic sclerosis. T...

    1775 days ago

  • Troyanskaya Lab

    The goal of our research is to interpret and distill this complexity through accurate analy...analysis of genome-scale datasets. We apply these approaches in studying challenging biologic...

    1594 days ago