Results for "Biology to computer"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Nicolas Corradi Lab

    The goal of our research is to better understand the biology of microbial organisms of significant ecological, veterinary and medical...wer of next generation DNA sequencing and bioinformatics with molecular biology...

    3323 days ago

  • Rosenberg lab

    Research. Research in the lab focuses on mathematical, statistical, and computational problems in evolutionary biology...

    3322 days ago

  • PIT Bioinformatics Group

    PIT Bioinformatics Group solves problems in bioinformatics and computational biology. Recent developed online tools: - Budapest Reference Connectome: View a parametrizable connectome (brain...

    3303 days ago

  • Raphael Lab

    Raphael Lab research is focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Current research interests include next-generation DNA sequencing, structural variation, genome rearrangemen...

    3284 days ago

  • BISR Jaipur

    The Bioinformatics Centre at BISR has created an infrastructure for providing facilit...members Support in Installing, implementing and maintaining software on computer. Create awareness for ta...

    3281 days ago

  • Chekulaevalab

    Focusing on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate mRNA translation, localization and stability and r...eutic agents. Our lab is located at the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology...

    3093 days ago

  • Hoffman Lab

    They develop machine learning techniques to better understand chromatin biology. These models and algorithms transform high-dimensional functional genomics data into interpretable patterns and lead to new biological insight.

    3093 days ago

  • Bienko and Crosetto Labs

    We are two groups of scientists doing frontier research in quantitative biology and biomedicine. The Bienko group is interested in exploring the fundamental design principles controlling how...

    2607 days ago

  • Salzberg lab

    We are a computational biology lab that develops novel methods for analysis of DNA and RNA sequences. Our research...l and medical research areas. We’re also part of the Center for Computational Biology,...

    2604 days ago

  • Talkowski Laboratory

    The Talkowski laboratory explores the impact of genomic alterations on human neurodevelopment and technology to genetic diagnostics. Mike received undergraduate degrees in Biology...

    2391 days ago