Results for "Mate"


  • Fastq-dump for SRA download

    ..."chr1" or "1"). "from" and "to" are 1-based coordinates --matepair-distance Filter by distance between matepairs....

    2177 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...mented copy-ratio and minor-allele-fraction estimates PostprocessGermlineCNVC...etrics (Picard) (BETA Tool) (Experimental) Estimates the rate of independent repl...ile by applying one of several filters. FixMateInformation (Picard)...

    2126 days ago

  • Bash script to download SRA file !

    ...ssary to put things into FASTQ for further processing. The --split-files part of the command ensures we get two files, one for the first and second mate in each pair. We'll use them...

    1610 days ago

  • Bash script to alignment of short reads against reference genome !

    ...base reference file name (bwa finds the indexes using this) and the input alignment files. The first file should contain the first mate, the second file the second mate. #conversion to BAM: samtool...

    1610 days ago