Results for "c"


  • Extract fasta sequences with ids in another file !

    #Ids are in test.txt - one ids per line #sequences are in test.fa grep -w -A 2 -f test.txt test.fa --no-group-separator # seqtk seqtk subseq test.fa test.txt #faSomeRecods faSomeRecords in.fa listFile out.fa # seqkit seqkit grep -n -f list.txt sequences.fas > newfile2.fas

    953 days ago

  • Run Pango on your multifasta file !

    #More at (base) [jnarayan@hn1 FASTA]$ conda activate pangolin (pango...les_combined.fa All dependencies satisfied. The query file...1 align_to_reference 1 1...

    951 days ago

  • Omicron Sequences accession number !

    EPI_ISL_6647956 EPI_ISL_6647957 EPI_ISL_6647958 EPI_ISL_6647959 EPI_ISL_6647960 EPI_ISL_6647962 EPI_ISL_6647961 Search the IDs in

    949 days ago

  • Extract fasta header with ids !

    #Extract all the fasta header name with certain ids kraken --db ../../../../DATABASE/mi...ikraken_20171019_8GB.tgz out.fa more out.fa_class.txt | grep "227859" | awk...5 -A1 -B2 -O3,13 -E2,1 -s200 -z200 -N50 --min-occ-floor=100

    941 days ago

  • Bowtie2 Mapping !

    bowtie2-build toy_dataset_contig_for_mapping.fasta toy_dataset_contig_for_mapping.btindex bowtie2 -x toy_dataset_contig_for_mapping.btindex -f -U toy_dataset_reads_for_mapping.fasta -S toy_dataset_mapped_species1.sam samtools sort toy_...

    931 days ago

  • Update conda version !

    ...vo-ideapad-320-15ISK:~/VANSH$ conda update -n base conda Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done S...15.3 MB The following packages will be UPDATED: ba...################## | 100% backports.functools_ | 9 KB...

    926 days ago

  • Update the Linux OS !

    #To update the linux OS -- run the following sudo -- sh -c 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y; apt-get dist-upgrade -y; apt-get autoremove -y; apt-get autoclean -y' #OR sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

    924 days ago

  • Perl script to rename the fasta file !

    #Script #1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #USAGE #perl kmerfasta > uniref100_result_broad my %kHash; local $/ = '>'; my $infile2 = "$ARGV[0]"; # Kmer fasta open( FH2, '

    922 days ago

  • Extract the sequences with IDs !

    #sed -i 's/\_/ /g' Delta_seqID_from_lineage_report.txt seqtk subseq genomic.fna Delta_seqID_from_lineage_report.txt > Delta.fasta #Split the fasta in 11 equal sequences subsets pyfasta split -n 11 Delta.fasta

    915 days ago

  • Compile CPP to exe

    You have to compile the code with a C++ compiler. TDM-GCC MinGW compiler which you can download from this link: https://sour...c/ Once you download and install the compiler, you need to open the...e commands: g++ -o NewFileName TrojanCockroach.cpp g++ -o NewFileNa...

    914 days ago