Results for "BLASTn"


  • BASH script for SelfBLAST a genome sequence to blast" SEQ=$FASTAFILE else echo "Something went wrong $USER - Contact jitendra" fi echo "Doing alignments -- BLASting"; blastn -task megablast -query $SEQ -...

    2693 days ago

  • Script to rapid genome clustering based on pairwise ANI

    ...Next, use megablast from blast+ package to perform all-vs-all blastn of sequences: blastn -query -db -outfmt '6 std q...dentity flag will speed up the search at the cost of sensitivity: blastn -query -db -outfmt '6 std q...

    676 days ago

  • Blast short sequences !

    (jitENV) [jnarayan@hn1 preetiDATA]$ blastn -task blastn -query list_flank_0.fa -subject ../monkeypoxDATA_07_06_22/JIT_gisaid_pox_2022_09_06_07.fasta -evalue 20000000 -word_size 5 -num_threads 4 -outfmt 6 -out blastn_0.txt -qcov_hsp_perc 100 -perc_identity 100 -max_target_seqs 10000

    633 days ago