Results for "Distinct"


  • Clump Finding Problem Solved with Perl

    #Find patterns forming clumps in a string. #Given: A string Genome, and integers k, L, and t. #Return: All distinct k-mers forming (L, t)-clumps in Genome. use strict; use warnin...

    2385 days ago

  • Plot kmer stats in bash !

    #!/bin/bash #Counting k-mers for different k echo "k,unique,distinct,total" for k in {1..15}; do kat hist -o phiX_$k.hist -m $k phiX.fasta >/dev/null 2>&1 egrep -v '^#' phiX_$k.hist|awk '{if ($1==1) u=$2; d+=$2; t+=$2*$1;}\ END{print "'$k',"u","d","t}' done

    845 days ago