Results for "intervals"


  • Downloading GATK !

    ...coverage to detect copy number variants. AnnotateIntervals (BETA Tool) Annotates intervals with GC content CallCopy...----------------------------------------------------- Intervals Manipulation:...

    2119 days ago

  • Raku script to find overlaps between two bed files !

    ...= $line1.split("\t"); my $chr1 = @fields1[0]; my $start1 = @fields1[1]; my $end1 = @fields1[2]; # Check for overlaps with intervals in the second BED file f...

    138 days ago

  • Perl script to find overlaps between two bed files !

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Check if the correct number of arguments are provided if (@ARGV != 2) { die "Usage: $0 file1.bed file2.bed\n"; } # Read the contents of the two BED files my $file1 = shift @ARGV; my $file2 = shift @ARGV; open my $fh1, '

    138 days ago