Results for "pe"

Wire posts

  • The clean R graphs #R #Graphs #Clean #Plot

    2864 days ago

  • Rename the fasta name perl -ane 'if(/\>/){$a++; @foo = split /\s+/;$_ = join '_', @foo; print "$_\n"}else{print;}' your.fasta > new.fa #PerlTrick #PerlOneliner #Perl

    2849 days ago

  • Useful perl script #Perl #Script #Resource

    2830 days ago

  • A perl script for mapping fasta formated sequences to multiple reference sequences using one of several alignment programs. #Perl #Script

    2830 days ago

  • Re-install perl in Ubuntu: sudo aptitude reinstall perl #Perl #Ubuntu #Install #Linux

    2808 days ago

  • Slice on the fly with perl: my ($username, $real_name) = (split /:/, $str)[0, 4]; #Perl #PerlTrick #Split

    2808 days ago

  • One code to find them all is a set of perl scripts to extract useful information from RepeatMasker

    2800 days ago

  • RA Bioinformatics #RA #NEHU #Jobs #Openings #Opportunity #Sarkari

    2800 days ago

  • Project Trainees for period of Six months with stipend of Rs 5000/ per month. Send your Applications to . Last Date of Application Submission 20th Nov 2013 #JNU

    2787 days ago

  • Perl module upgrade on Linux: $ sudo cpan then cpan[1]> upgrade #Upgrade #Perl #Modules

    2785 days ago