Results for "pe"

Wire posts

  • Testing Random Dice Rolls #Perl #Random #Test #Randomness #Dice

    2688 days ago

  • SAM and BAM handling with Perl # Perl #SAM #BAM

    2682 days ago

  • Remove all blank lines from file. perl -i.bak -n -e "print if /\S/" ../finalSample.fa #Perl #Tricks #PerlOneliner

    2682 days ago

  • #Clustering metagenomic #contigs on #tetranucleotide frequency

    2680 days ago

  • sudo apt-get install libgd-svg-perl to install GD::SVG #Perl #Linux #Install #Graph #Plot

    2678 days ago

  • Add color to vim. Open vi .vimrc and at the end of the file add "syntax on" #Vim #Syntax #Highlight #Vi #Linux

    2677 days ago

  • Map the #density on #chromosome with perl

    2676 days ago

  • #Extract a #sequence from #multi-fasta file: $ perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=grep{/^$1$/}qw(id1 id2)}print if $c' fasta.file

    2671 days ago

  • #Random #sequence generator with #perloneliner : $ perl -e '$x=int(rand(1000)); printf( "chr1\t%s\t%s", $x, $x + 10)'

    2671 days ago

  • PCA/clustering with R #R #Cluster #PCA

    2669 days ago