Results for "FERMI"




    Fermi is a de novo assembler with a...of a typical assembler, fermi also aims to preserve heteroz...the information in raw reads.Fermi follows the overlap-layout-co...a typical de novo assembler, fermi tends to produce contigs with...sumed. Here is an -dAPe ./fermi -p NA12878 -...

    2831 days ago

  • BFC: a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data

    ...unction jointly considering penalties on correction, quality and k-mer support. This algorithm was first implemented in my fermi assembler and then refined a few times in fermi, fermi2 and now in BFC. In th...

    2202 days ago


Top-level pages

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    ...9553/how-to-install-flash-plugin-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts-64-bit-version lh3/fermi: A WGS de novo assembler based on the FMD-index for large genomes Multi-metagenome http://mads...

    2278 days ago