Results for "System Biology"


  • Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics as a business, not to be confused with bioinformatics as a field of st...ays was — a cross-disciplinary endeavor between computer science and molecular biology. But bioinformatics as a mone...

    3982 days ago

  • Ruby and BioRuby

    Ruby and BioRuby

    ...n sequence analysis, alignment, database parsing, tools for structural biology, and other Bioinformatics. B...ion. In 2011 the BioRuby project introduced the biogem software plugin system. Biogems are listed on biogems...

    3949 days ago

  • Molecular Modelling and Drug Design

    Molecular Modelling and Drug Design

    This group is desing to inform, update and discuss the old or new bioinformatics/computational biology software.

    3903 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP)

    Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP)

    Hey! Welcome to Bioinformatics Skill Development Program...illed and trained bioinformatics and computational biology workforce around the world. B...ientific approaches to research, the computational biology skill become an even greater...

    3737 days ago

  • Metabolomics


    Metabolomics is the comprehensive and quantitative analysis of multiple metabolites in biological samples.  Metabo...he complete set of small-molecule metabolites found within a single biological system...

    3735 days ago

  • Biostatistics


    Biostatistics is the application of statistics to a wide range of topics in biology. The science of biostatistics...ned geneticists helped bring together evolutionary biology andgenetics into a consistent...

    2560 days ago