Results for "Genome"


  • NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline

    NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline is designed to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes (chromosomes and plasmids). Genome annotation is a multi-level process that includes prediction of protein-coding genes, as well as other functional genome units such as structural RNAs, tRNAs, sma...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Assembly, Genome, Annotation, NCBI, Pipeline, Prokaryotes

    2604 days ago

  • CAR: Reconstructing Contiguous Regions of an Ancestral Genome

    We describe a new method for predicting the ancestral order and orientation of those intervals from their observed adjacencies in modern species. We combine the results from this method with data from chromosome painting experiments to produce a map of an early mammalian genome that accounts fo...

    Tags: Reconstruction, Contiguous, Regions, Ancestral, Genome, Bioinformatics, CAR

    2602 days ago

  • SIMBA: a web tool for managing bacterial genome assembly generated by Ion PGM sequencing technology

    SIMBA, SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies, is a Web interface for managing assembly projects of bacterial genomes. SIMBA was created to assist bioinformaticians to assemble bacterial genomes sequenced with NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS) platforms quickly, easily and effectively. SIMBA also ...

    Tags: SIMBA, Web, Tool, Bacterial, Genome, Assembly, Ion PGM, Sequencing

    2597 days ago

  • #Genome #submission to #GenBank

    Tags: Genome, submission, GenBank

    2597 days ago

  • Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU)

    Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU) was designed to facilitate quick, efficient annotation of similar genomes using genomes that have already been annotated. For example, whenever a new strain of SARS coronavirus is sequenced, it is possible, using GATU, to automatically annotate the new st...

    Tags: Genome, Annotation, Transfer, Utility, GATU

    2591 days ago

  • Unmasking the lower case values in genome. $ perl -pe '/^[^>]/ and $_=uc' genomic.fna > genomic.unmasked.fna #Genome #Unmask #Perl #Oneliner

    Tags: Genome, Unmask, Perl, Oneliner

    2581 days ago

  • Convert masked genome to N letters. $ perl -pe '/^[^>]/ and $_=~ s/[a-z]/N/g' genomic.fna > genomic.N-masked.fna #Genome #Masked #N #Convert

    Tags: Genome, Masked, N, Convert

    2581 days ago


    DESCHRAMBLER is shown to produce highly accurate reconstructions using data simulation and by benchmarking it against other reconstruction tools You can find the detail of reconstructed data at

    Tags: DESCHRAMBLER, Synteny, Ancestral, Reconstruction, Genome

    2560 days ago

  • List of genome announcement, notes and reporting journals

    Faced with an increasing number of articles describing DNA data and a need for more appropriate venues to present these data, some publishers and journals have responded by changing the structure and format of genome papers. Specifically, certain journals have started accepting very short manuscr...

    Tags: Genome, announcement, reporting, journals, genome reports, genome announcements, genome notes, genome letters

    2066 days ago

  • What is L50 in genome assembly?

    N50 describes a sequence length whereas L50 describes a number of sequences. What am really confused ...

    Tags: L50, NGS, Genome, Assembly

    2520 days ago