Results for "SCF"


Top-level pages

  • Genomics for Bioinformatician

    ...sequence, and its six-frame translation. Chromas It will display and prints chromatogram files from ABI automated DNA sequencers, and Staden SCF files which the analysis prog...

    4088 days ago

  • Installing Bio::SCF perl module

    ...w to sucessfully install Bio::SCF module #sudo apt-get install.../ctf -I../ztr -I../plain -I../scf -I../exp_file -I../utils -I/u.../ctf -I../ztr -I../plain -I../scf -I../exp_file -I../utils -I/u.../ctf -I../ztr -I../plain -I../scf -I../exp_file -I../utils -I/u...

    2365 days ago

Wire posts

  • Append to the file name. $ for filename in *.scf; do mv "$filename" "H_$filename"; done; #append #mv #rename

    2379 days ago

  • Append something on filename. find -name "*H_*.scf" -exec rename 's/H_//' {} ";" #Append #Filename #find

    2379 days ago

  • +1 more Wire posts



  • Comment on "Setting up autoConTAMPR !"

    ...ibstaden-read1The following NEW packages will be installed:  libbio-scf-perl libstaden-read10 upgrade...1 [182 kB]Get:2 trusty/universe libbio-scf-perl amd64 1.03-1build4 [23.3...

    1588 days ago

  • Comment on "Installing Bio::SCF perl module"

    In Ubuntu, you can try the following command to install perl packages: sudo apt-get install libbio-scf-perlsudo apt-get install -y bioperlsudo apt-get install -y libstatistics-distributions-perlsudo apt-get install -y libterm-progressbar-simple-perl

    1657 days ago

  • +1 more Comments