Results for "Algorithm"


  • RNA Bioinformatics and High Throughput Analysis Jena

    Research Topics: High Throughput Sequencing Analysis Comparative Genomics Identification and Annotation of Non-coding RNAs Bioinformatic Analysis and System Biology of Viruses Coevolution of Proteins and RNAs Algorithmic Bioinformatics Phylogenetic Analysis

    Tags: bioinformatics, Sequencing, genomics, virus, algorithm

    3858 days ago

  • AlignGraph: algorithm for secondary de novo genome assembly guided by closely related references

    AlignGraph is a software that extends and joins contigs or scaffolds by reassembling them with help provided by a reference genome of a closely related organism. Using AlignGraph AlignGraph --read1 reads_1.fa --read2 reads_2.fa --contig contigs.fa --genome genome.fa --distanceLow distanceLow --...

    Tags: AlignGraph, algorithm, secondary, de novo, genome, assembly, guided, references

    2238 days ago

  • HALC: High throughput algorithm for long read error correction

    HALC, a high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the same species with a relatively low identity requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig region, including its true genome region’s repeats i...

    Tags: HALC, algorithm, long, read, error, correction, NGS, PacBio, Nanopore

    2186 days ago

  • ASplice: a scalable and memory-efficient algorithm for de novo transcriptome assembly

    With increased availability of de novo assembly algorithms, it is feasible to study entire transcriptomes of non-model organisms. While algorithms are available that are specifically designed for performing transcriptome assembly from high-throughput sequencing data, they are very memory-intensiv...

    Tags: ASplice, scalable, memory-efficient, algorithm, de novo, transcriptome, assembly

    2161 days ago

  • ReMILO: reference assisted misassembly detection algorithm using short and long reads.

    ReMILO, a reference assisted misassembly detection algorithm that uses both short reads and PacBio SMRT long reads. ReMILO aligns the initial short reads to both the contigs and reference genome, and then constructs a novel data structure called red-black multipositional de Bruijn graph to detect...

    Tags: ReMILO, reference, assisted, misassembly, detection, algorithm, short, long, reads

    2158 days ago

  • Hercules: a profile HMM-based hybrid error correction algorithm for long reads

    Choosing whether to use second or third generation sequencing platforms can lead to trade-offs between accuracy and read length. Several studies require long and accurate reads including de novo assembly, fusion and structural variation detection. In such cases researchers often combine both tech...

    Tags: Hercules, profile, HMM-based, hybrid, error, correction, algorithm, long, reads, PacBio

    2113 days ago

  • Louvain algorithm #Louvain #algorithm

    Tags: Louvain, algorithm

    2035 days ago

  • OrthoANI: An improved algorithm and software for calculating average nucleotide identity

    OAT uses OrthoANI to measure the overall similarity between two genome sequences. ANI and OrthoANI are comparable algorithms: they share the same species demarcation cut-off at 95~96% and large comparison studies have demonstrated both algorithms to produce near identical reciprocal similarities....

    Tags: OrthoANI, improved, algorithm, software, calculating, average, nucleotide, identity, ANI

    1999 days ago

  • SiLiX: implements an ultra-efficient algorithm for the clustering of homologous sequences

    The software package SiLiX implements an ultra-efficient algorithm for the clustering of homologous sequences, based on single transitive links (single linkage) with alignment coverage constraints. SiLiX adopts a graph-theoretical framework to interpret similarity pairs as edges of a networ...

    Tags: SiLiX, ultra-efficient, algorithm, clustering, homologous, sequences, Bacteria

    1999 days ago

  • FLAS: fast and high throughput algorithm for PacBio long read self-correction.

    FLAS, a wrapper algorithm of MECAT, to achieve high throughput long read self-correction while keeping MECAT's fast speed. FLAS finds additional alignments from MECAT prealigned long reads to improve the correction throughput, and removes misalignments for accuracy.

    Tags: FLAS, fast, high, throughput, algorithm, PacBio, long read, self-correction

    1807 days ago