Results for "Bash"


  • The syntax to remove last character from line or word is as follows: x="foo bar" echo "${x%?}" #Remove #Last #Bash #Linux

    Tags: Remove, Last, Bash, Linux

    3589 days ago

  • Join the result of ls -1 into one line and delimit it with comma : newStr=$(ls -m *.txt) or mystring=$(printf "%s," *) #Bash #Comma #String #List #ls

    Tags: Bash, Comma, String, List, ls

    3589 days ago

  • Ravindra Raut

    A Computational biologist, currently investigating the impact of transposable elements on the adaptation of the rice genome under fungal pathogen challenges and genome duplication. Experienced in using next-generation sequencing technologies like shotgun sequencing, linked reads, and long-read se...

    Skills: Programming (Python, Linux, Bash, R), Computational Biology, NGS technologies, WGS, RNA Seq, Repeats, Variant Calling

    1177 days ago

  • Fork Bomb Bash script for your Linux OS its copies continually replicate themselves, quickly taking up all your CPU time and memory :(){ :|: & };: #Freeze #Bash #Linux #Fork

    Tags: Freeze, Bash, Linux, Fork

    3202 days ago

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

    This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, yet progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction . . . all the while sneaking in little nuggets of UNIX® wisdom and lore. It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and as a reference an...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Guide, Tutorial, Genome, Script, Bash

    3036 days ago

  • Genome Browser : GBrowse

    Generic Genome Browser Version 2: A Tutorial for Administrators This is an extensive tutorial to take you through the main features and gotchas of configuring GBrowse as a server. This tutorial assumes that you have successfully set up Perl, GD, BioPerl and the other GBrowse dependencies. If you...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Guide, Tutorial, Genome, Script, Bash, GBrowse, Annotaion, Browser

    3035 days ago

  • A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh #Shell #Zsh #Bash

    Tags: Shell, Zsh, Bash

    2582 days ago

  • Print each command before executing? Bash script to print each command before executing. $ bash -x #Print #Command #Bash

    Tags: Print, Command, Bash

    2509 days ago

  • sort -k2 -n genome.fa #Sort #Column2 #Bash

    Tags: Sort, Column2, Bash

    2153 days ago

  • Convert EnsEMBL GTF to Annotation table (Geneid, GeneSymbol, GeneWiseChrLocation, GeneClass, Strand) Raw

    Bash Script source:   Information: This script converts EnsEMBL GTF (Ex: file to annotation...

    Tags: Bash, Scriptn GTF, Converts, EnsEMBL, NGS

    2144 days ago