Results for "Quantification"


  • CroCo: A program to detect potential cross contaminations in HTS assembled transcriptomes using expression level quantification

    CroCo is a program to detect cross contamination events in assembled transcriptomes using sequencing reads to determine the true origin of every transcripts.Such cross contaminations can be expected if several RNA-Seq experiments were prepared during the same period at the same lab, or by the sam...

    Tags: CroCo, program, detect, potential, cross, contaminations, HTS, assembled, transcriptomes, expression, quantification

    1972 days ago

  • StringTie Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-Seq

    StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It uses a novel network flow algorithm as well as an optional de novo assembly step to assemble and quantitate full-length transcripts representing multiple splice variants for each...

    Tags: StringTie, Transcript, assembly, quantification, RNA-Seq

    1454 days ago

  • QuasR: Quantification and annotation of short reads in R

    The QuasR package (short for Quantify and annotate short reads in R) integrates the functionality of several R packages (such as IRanges (Lawrence et al. 2013) and Rsamtools) and external software (e.g. bowtie, through the Rbowtie package, and HISAT2, through the Rhisat2 package). The packag...

    Tags: QuasR, Quantification, annotation, short, reads, R, Tool, Reads

    1024 days ago