Results for "core"


  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process per each element of data. Instead, MCE follows a bank queuing model. Imagine the line being the data and bank-tellers the parallel workers. MCE enhances that model by adding the ability to chunk the next n elements from the in...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Programming, Perl, MCE, Parallel, Core, Thread, Fork

    2679 days ago

  • Perl script to run in parallel #Perl #Parallel #Script #Core #Thread

    Tags: Perl, Parallel, Script, Core, Thread

    1644 days ago

  • Core services: Reward bioinformaticians #Service #Core #Reward #Bioinformatician

    Tags: Service, Core, Reward, Bioinformatician

    1588 days ago

  • Snippy: Rapid haploid variant calling and core SNP phylogeny

    Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. It will find both substitutions (snps) and insertions/deletions (indels). It will use as many CPUs as you can give it on a single computer (tested to 64 cores). It is designed with speed in mind, and produces a cons...

    Tags: Snippy, Rapid, haploid, variant, calling, core, SNP, phylogeny, bacteria

    2053 days ago