Results for "java"


  • Mathew Potter

    I am a trained bioinformatician from UK. My core area of interest are computation cancer genomics and bioinformatics software development.

    Skills: Bioinformatics, R, Perl, Java, Matalab

    3981 days ago

  • Jitendra Narayan

    BioinformaticsOnline(BOL) founder. Within the broad domain of bioinformatics and computational biology, I mainly focus on chromosomal breakpoint and amniotes evolution. I (We) develop certain computational pipeline, and algorithms to harness the huge amount ...

    Skills: Bioinformatics, R, Bioconductor, Perl, BioPerl, Java, BioJava

    38 days ago

  • Jit

    A computational biologist with business in mind ;)

    Skills: Bioinformatics, R, Perl, Java, SAM tool

    618 days ago

  • Java and BioJava Magic

    Java and BioJava Magic

    BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java framework for processing biological data. It provides analytical and statistical routines, parsers for common file formats and allows the manipulation of sequences and 3D structures. The goal of the biojava project is to facilitate r...

    Tags: BioJava, Java, Biological Programming

    3931 days ago

  • Gang

    Tags: NGS, Perl, Java, Struts2, Spring, Hibernate, Software Architecture

    3947 days ago

  • Deepak

    i am simple , straight forward , scientific , good observer and listener, divine, spiritual , kind , boring , respectfull , lazy , naughty (i.e i always behave as a child whom i am close with), some times very serious and sometimes funny like a small child , always want to meet and chat with good...

    Skills: C, C++, Java, SQL, Perl, HTML etc.

    3628 days ago

  • mahree khan

    Skills: Ms Office, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Data Structure, Java, Linux, Biochemistry, FASTA, BLAST

    2670 days ago

  • Java and BioJava Tutorial links

    BioJava provides analytical and statistical routines, parsers for common file formats and allows the manipulation of sequences and 3D structures. The goal of this bookmark is to provide useful links for bioinformatician. Please add more useful Java and BioJava links here ...

    Tags: Java, BioJava

    3931 days ago

  • Govardhan Anande

    I completed my graduation in Biotechnology from VSBT Baramati, and now Bioinformatics last year PG student from RGIT&BT pune.

    Skills: Microarray, QSAR, Pharmacophore, Docking, Schrödinger, Discovery studio, R, Matlab, Perl, Java, Oracle, PCR, Chromatography, Southern blotting, ELISA

    3559 days ago

  • BOL

    An academic pursuit that will leverage the managerial, analytical and entrepreneurial skills I have gained during my education and internships to contribute towards the growth of the organization and my own in the service of community.

    Skills: Bioinformatics; Algorithm: Perl, Java, Python, MATLAB, R; Web: HTML/CSS, Apache, PHP, CGI, Javascript; Database: MySQL; Microarray data Analysis; Comparative Genomics; NGS; Proteomics; Molecular Phylogenetics; Teaching

    2953 days ago