Results for "repeats"


  • HipSTR: Haplotype inference and phasing for Short Tandem Repeats

    HipSTR was specifically developed to deal with these errors in the hopes of obtaining more robust STR genotypes. In particular, it accomplishes this by: Learning locus-specific PCR stutter models using an EM algorithm Mining candidate STR alleles from population-scale sequencing dat...

    Tags: HipSTR, Haplotype, inference, phasing, Short, Tandem, Repeats

    1913 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    To find repeats in a genome from 2 to 9 length using a Perl script, you can use the RepeatMasker tool with the "--length" option[0]. Here's a step-by-step guide: Install RepeatMasker: First, you need to install RepeatMasker on your system. You can download it from the RepeatMasker website[...

    Tags: Steps, Repeats, Genome, Perl, RepeatMasker

    276 days ago