Results for "Biggest Virus"


  • 2.4 Mb Genome Size for World's Biggest Virus

    The genome size of new discovered Pandoraviruses have roughly twice the size of the record-holding Megavirus genomic code. Interestingly only 6 percent of its genes resembled the genes other organisms. It is assume that it may come from a different origin. For detail :

    Tags: Pandoraviruses, Megavirus, Genes, Genome Size, Virus, Biggest Virus, Ancient Root

    4061 days ago

  • Fourth Branch of Life

    Scientist have found the biggest viruses known, pandoraviruses which opened up entirely /completely... new questions questions and raise objections to in science. It even suggesting a fourth domain of life. The new visrus are about one micron—a thousandth of a millimeter—in length, t...

    Tags: Pandoraviruses, Megavirus, Genes, Genome Size, Virus, Biggest Virus, Ancient Root

    4029 days ago