Results for "Bioinformatic"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...r Biotechnology Information's Bioinformatics Factsheet."Research, develop....Bioinformatics Definition: Bioinformatics derives knowledge from compu...ence analysis, and structural bioinformatics. Organizing biological know...l Relevance: Many aspects of bioinformatics are relevant for pharmacolog...

    3940 days ago

  • Genomics for Bioinformatician

    ...ome mapping, data storage, and bioinformatic analyses in the 1970-1980s. here are microarrays and bioinformatics. Study of the full set of pr...on Net Genomes and genomics: Bioinformatics and Genomics: Structural ge...or more software @

    3935 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Courses Around the World

    Bioinformatics Courses around the world Here is the list Bioinformatics courses offered around the w...-24, 2005) 4th course in bioinformatics for functional genomics (Mar...en link) Introduction to bioinformatics, XiaMen University, Jul 23-...

    3936 days ago

  • List of In-silico Binding Site Prediction Tools

    ...tures are increasingly becoming important in structural biology and bioinformatics not only for understanding t..."Fpocket: An open source platform for ligand pocket detection", BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10:168 SuMo: http://...

    3737 days ago