Results for "Bioinformatics fun"

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  • Best book Titles for Learning Bionformatics

    .... Therefore, I mentioned some bioinformatics and its related books in subg...n, 2002, Bios Scientific Pub Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics, Dan...te, 2001, Wiley-Interscience Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approac...), 1996, IRL Press Molecular Bioinformatics: Algorithms and Applications,...

    3912 days ago

  • Great Place to Study Bioinformatics in Europe

    Study bioinformatics is like being jack of all trade so it is important you cho...some places no tution fees) master bioinformatics courses and recommended are:...mark University of Helsinki,

    3026 days ago

  • Bioinformatics and Sequencing Courses and Workshops

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) organises lots of bioinformatics courses covering wide range o...aining-courses.html Canadian bioinformatics also organises various bioinf...bsp;Europe also organise bioinformatics and sequencing courses annual...

    3901 days ago

  • Useful Publications and Websites for Deep Sequencing Data Analysis

    ...ormat and SAMtools. Li et al, Bioinformatics 25(16):2078-9, 2009 errors. Yang et al, BMC Bioinformatics 12(Supp1):S52, 2011 PubMedCe...ssion profiling. Łabaj et al, Bioinformatics 27:i383 - i391, 2011 Full Te...ivering compute clusters. BMC Bioinformatics 11(Suppl. 12):S4, 2010 Full T...

    3773 days ago

  • Bioinformatics infrastructure speed up Indian agriculture

    "Realizing the paradigm shift it can bring about, the government is focusing on increased bioinformatics intervention in agri-sciences. Currently under process, the national grid on bio...

    3703 days ago

  • List of bioinformatics open source projects/software.

    ...vement. Followings are the OS bioinformatics projects/software : .NET Bio... Bio4j is a bioinformatics platform and graph based data...ation tools and techniques in Bioinformatics. It uses Jenkins and its plug...are suite for the analysis of functional genomics experiments, e.g. RNA-se...

    3751 days ago

  • List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage !!!

    List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage ALF...SS Protein Sequence Simulation for sequence-based association studies http://bio...

    3731 days ago

  • List of In-silico Binding Site Prediction Tools study surface features and functional regions of proteins. CASTp a database of the protein functional surfaces identified by shape anal...vity/ Identifying a protein's functional sites is an important...ligand pocket detection", BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10:168 SuM...

    3738 days ago

  • Linux for bioinformatician !!!

    Linux, free operating system for computers, provides several powerful admin data with an ease. The field of bioinformatics relies heavily on Linux-based...puters and software. Although most bioinformatics programs can be compiled to r...icle "An introduction to Linux for bio...

    3699 days ago

  • Commercial and public next-gen-seq (NGS) software

    ...arly designed for Illumina with preliminary functions to handle ABI SOLiD data. Written...and Zhenyu Xuan at CSHL. (published in BMC Bioinformatics). POSIX OS required. SeqMap -...iel Zerbino and Ewan Birney at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EB...

    3513 days ago