Results for "Compression"



    SCALCE (/skeɪlz/, a.k.a. boosting Sequence Compression Algorithms using Locally ConsistentEncoding) is a tool for compressing FASTQ files. It is designed specifically for the Illumina-generated FASTQ files, but supports any valid FASTQ with consistent read lengths.  ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, FASTQ, Compression, Decompression, NGS

    2935 days ago

  • Quip: Aggressive compression of FASTQ, SAM and BAM files.

    This will help us to reduce the amount of drive space we take up and decrease data transfer times Quip compresses next-generation sequencing data with extreme prejudice. It supports input and output in the FASTQ and SAM/BAM formats, compressing large datasets to as little as ...

    Tags: Quip, Aggressive, compression, FASTQ, SAM, BAM, files

    705 days ago